About Us

My Way Of Health & Life

Yoga is not just a practice; it’s a way of life. I am dedicated to fostering a supportive and uplifting community. Together, we explore the principles of mindfulness, conscious living, and the ancient yogic techniques that guide us toward a life of purpose, fulfillment, and compassion.

My journey with yoga began 22 years ago & it has been a profound and transformative experience. I started as a physical practice soon evolved into a profound exploration of the mind, body, and spirit. I have had the privilege of studying under revered yogis, immersing myself in the wisdom of traditional yogic texts, and continuously deepening my understanding of this ancient practice

Gopal Guru Ji : Founder (Pragya Yogshala)

Welcome to Pragya Yogshala (Yoga Studio)

At Pragya Yogshala, we invite you to embark on a journey of self-discovery, wellness, and transformation. Rooted in the ancient wisdom of yoga, our Yoga Studio is a sanctuary for those seeking balance, harmony, and a deeper connection to the self.

Gopal Guru Ji, did excellence in the field of yoga & health.

 Qualification : Yoga Diploma / Meditation / Numerologist / Accupressure Diploma / Reki / Colour therapy /Panchkarma / Naturopathy. 



A passionate yogi, wellness advocate, and co-founder of Pragya Yogshala. My journey with yoga began as a personal exploration of self-discovery and well-being, and it has evolved into a mission to share the transformative power of yoga with the world.

Yoga as a Way of Life:
My love for yoga goes beyond the physical postures, it is a profound philosophy that guides every aspect of my life. Rooted in the ancient traditions of yoga, my practice encompasses not only the body but also the mind and spirit. I believe in the holistic approach of yoga, embracing its potential to bring balance, joy, and vitality to our lives.

Professional Background:
With a background in Yoga & Naturopathy. I bring a unique perspective to the world of yoga. My professional journey has allowed me to integrate the principles of yoga into various aspects of life, fostering well-rounded and mindful living.



Yoga Instructor



What Clients Say About yogshala

Clients appreciation is every thing for an organisation & we heartly thankful to Pragya Yogshla family for their trust & support.

I wholeheartedly recommend Pragya Yogshala to anyone seeking a genuine and enriching yoga experience. Whether you're a professional or a beginner like me, the platform offers a welcoming space to explore and deepen your practice.
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