
join yogshala for a Healthy life

Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or just beginning your journey, Pragya Yogshala welcomes you with open arms. 

Explore our range of yoga programs, workshops, and retreats to discover the transformative power of yoga in your life.

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Dive in the World Of Health & Fitness

At Pragya Yogshala, you can expect a harmonious blend of dynamic asanas, pranayama, meditation, and spiritual insights. Each session is crafted to meet you where you are on your yoga journey, encouraging growth and self-discovery. 

Hatha Yoga

"Hatha Yoga" is a branch of yoga that focuses on physical postures (asanas), breath control (pranayama), and meditation. The word "hatha" itself is a combination of "ha" (sun) and "tha" (moon), symbolizing the balance of opposing forces.

Vinyasa Yoga

Vinyasa Yoga is a dynamic and flowing style of yoga that synchronizes movement with breath. It is a popular and modern form of yoga that incorporates a series of poses (asanas) linked together in a continuous, seamless flow.

Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga is a unique and powerful form of yoga that emphasizes the awakening of Kundalini energy. The practice combines physical postures, breathwork (pranayama), mantra chanting, meditation, and various other techniques

Intuitive Yoga

Intuitive Yoga is a practice that emphasizes tuning into one's inner wisdom and listening to the body's signals to guide the yoga practice. It involves a personalized and spontaneous approach, allowing practitioners to move and flow based on what feels right in the present moment.

Aroma Yoga

Aroma Yoga is a holistic practice that combines the benefits of yoga with the use of essential oils. This integrative approach aims to enhance the physical, mental, and emotional effects of a yoga practice by incorporating the therapeutic properties of aromatic essential oils.

Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga yoga is a sequence of advanced yoga postures, performed in a specific order, that emphasize the flow and breath between movements. Ashtanga yoga consists of six levels of seated poses and standing poses—or asanas.

Aerial Yoga

Aerial Yoga, also known as anti-gravity yoga, is a unique form of yoga that incorporates the use of a hammock or silk fabric suspended from the ceiling. Practitioners use the hammock to support and elevate various traditional yoga poses, allowing for greater flexibility, strength, and a sense of weightlessness.

Power Yoga

Power Yoga is a dynamic and energetic style of yoga that incorporates elements of strength training, flexibility, and breath control. It is often characterized by a vigorous flow of yoga poses performed in a continuous sequence, with an emphasis on building physical strength, stamina, and flexibility.

lyengar yoga

Iyengar Yoga is a style of yoga developed by B.K.S. Iyengar, a renowned yoga teacher from India. This style is known for its emphasis on precision, alignment, and the use of props to achieve correct posture. B.K.S. Iyengar's teachings have had a profound influence on the practice of yoga worldwide.

Group Coaching

Rs. 1500 /- per month

Pragya Yogshla programs are designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of yoga, including its philosophy, asanas, meditation & more. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced practitioner, there’s a program for you.

Private Coaching

Rs. 10000 /- per month

Pragya Yogshala embraces a holistic approach to wellness, integrating not only the physical aspects of yoga but also mindfulness, Ayurveda, and spiritual practices to nurture the whole self.

Summer Offer

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Are your classes suitable for beginners?

Absolutely! Gopal Guru Ji welcomes practitioners of all levels, including beginners. Classes are designed to be inclusive, with modifications and variations to cater to individual needs and experience levels.

Do I need to be flexible to practice yoga?

No prior flexibility is required. Yoga is a journey that unfolds at your own pace. Gopal Guru Ji’s classes focus on gradually improving flexibility, strength, and balance over time.

What should I bring to a yoga class?

For in-person classes, bring a yoga mat, comfortable clothing, a water bottle, and an open mind. If props are needed for a specific class, Gopal Guru Ji will provide guidance.

Are private sessions available?

Yes, private sessions are available. For personalized guidance, reach out to [contact information] to discuss your goals and schedule a private session with Gopal Guru Ji.

Is yoga suitable for all ages?

Yes, yoga is suitable for practitioners of all ages. Gopal Guru Ji tailors classes to accommodate the unique needs of different age groups, ensuring a safe and enjoyable practice for everyone.

Do I need to practice meditation separately, or is it included in the classes?

Meditation is often integrated into Gopal Guru Ji’s classes. Specific sessions dedicated to meditation may also be offered. Check the class descriptions for details.

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